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Bayer Food Chain Partnership
Food Chain Partnership Fruit Logistica

Fruit Logistica, the leading global trade fair for the fruit and vegetable industry, is the most important event of the year for the FCP team. Since 2010, we have been supporting Bayer in the planning and implementation of its entire trade fair presence, including stand concept, organisation, on-site support, implementation of side events, development of information material (print, digital/Apps) and communication before and during the event.

Food Chain Partnership Social Media

Months before the fair, we created articles, infographics and videos for the FCP website, advertorials and an internal newsletter. We reported live from the fair via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and streamed a lecture series organised by Bayer in the Exhibitor Forum via Periscope and Facebook.

Food Chain Partnership Brochure

Since the FCP team is naturally scattered all over the world, it is difficult for new members to get to know each other personally. Nevertheless, the team should be tangible – even (and especially) in digital times. That's why we produced a physical onboarding box (in addition to an existing internal online portal) that not only introduces the individual members of the FCP team in a friendly way, but also brings new colleagues on board in terms of content and subject matter.

Food Chain Partnership OnBoarding Box

Related Projects

Press Releases

  • Moving up the 2017 Pfeffers PR agency ranking

    Cologne, 21.4.17: Two steps forward: Palmer Hargreaves has moved further up the current billings’ table of the PR trade journal. The agency increased its billings’ volume by nearly 20% in the past fiscal year – four times the industry average. 

    Palmer Hargreaves has again moved up the Pfeffers PR billings’ table – from 18th to 16th spot. With a billings’ volume of €9.03 in the past fiscal year the agency grew by 19.4% in a year-on-dear comparison (fiscal 2014-15: €7.56 million). According to the PR trade journal’s figures the average figure for the industry was 4.9%. Palmer Hargreaves had already moved up one place in the previous year’s table. 

    Palmer Hargreaves is now in second place in the Cologne-Bonn region. Ranked according to their keynote industries the Cologne agency is first in chemicals and third in automotive, unchanged from the previous year, but moved up from ninth to fourth in telecommunications. 

    “Besides the fact that we’ve also moved up the Pfeffers PR agency rankings and not just in those from W&V, I am particularly pleased that we are among the three fastest-growing agencies among the top 25 in Germany,” says Jörn Langensiepen, CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group and one of three managing directors of the German branch in Cologne. “Our ongoing growth confirms that the diversification of our services’ spectrum in recent years is meeting the market’s needs.” 

    Media Material (Jörn Langensiepen)

    Caption: Jörn Langensiepen is CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group and one of three managing directors of the German branch in Cologne.


    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Jörn Langensiepen new CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group

    Cologne, 7.4.17: Change on the board of the international agency group – since 1 March Jörn Langensiepen has been CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group with its branches in England, Germany, Russia and China. 

    Jörn Langensiepen is the new CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group and has taken over from Randy Weeks, who has retired from the everyday business for age reasons but will continue to play an advisory role. Under Jörn Langensiepen’s management the German branch of the international agency group has grown at an above-average rate, which is why Palmer Hargreaves is moving its CEO base from England to Cologne. Besides his new role, Jörn Langensiepen continues to act as one of three managing directors in Cologne. The prime objective, says 46-year-old Jörn, is “to further strengthen the agency’s international clout and emphasise this asset more in the context of our clients’ increasingly global business”. 

    In fiscal 2015-16 Palmer Hargreaves Germany increased its billings’ volume by nearly 20% and the number of employees rose by 27.5%. “According to the current W&V ranking we are one of the top 25 owner-managed agencies in Germany,” Jörn points out. The global group employs around 160 employees at four locations and has billings’ income of €16 million. “Our success in Germany confirms our strategy of diversifying the agency more in terms of industries covered and services offered,” Jörn adds. “We want to push this process in other markets and thus boost growth at all our locations.” 

    Before joining Palmer Hargreaves in 2000, Jörn graduated as an industrial engineer and then worked for the business consultants PriceWaterhouseCoopers as a client services director. He became managing director of Palmer Hargreaves’ Cologne branch in 2004 and a managing partner in 2009. In 2013 the Cologne branch of Palmer Hargreaves merged with the PR agency PR-Partner.

    Media Material (Jörn Langensiepen)

    Caption: Jörn Langensiepen is the new CEO of the Palmer Hargreaves Group.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves continues to grow

    Cologne, 29.3.17: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, has again moved up the W&V agency rankings – from 29th to 25th position. Palmer Hargreaves increased its billings’ income by nearly 20% whereas the average figure for the top 50 agencies was just 6.6%. 

    For the second time running, Palmer Hargreaves has leapt up the W&V table of the top 50 owner-managed agencies in Germany. Last year, the agency moved up five places. The table lists the agencies by billings’ volume, which rose at Palmer Hargreaves in a year-on-year basis by 19.4% from €7.56 million in fiscal 2014-15 to €9.03 million in the past financial year. The average figure for the top 50 agencies was 6.6%. Palmer Hargreaves employs 102 people, an increase of 27.5% compared to an 11% rise the previous year. 

    The reasons for the ongoing growth are the expansion of business with long-term clients such as Bayer and Deutsche Telekom and new business, with the Cologne-based agency gaining ABB, Brenntag, Henkel, Schindler and thyssenkrupp as new clients, for example. In all, the share of consulting work and digital business in the overall turnover grew at an above-average rate. 

    “This positive development is the result of the agency’s consistent strategic orientation in the past three years,” says Iris Heilmann, one of the three Palmer Hargreaves managing directors in Cologne. “We recognised at an early stage that the client centralisation trend also requires agencies to think holistically in marketing and corporate communications. Our clients now greatly appreciate the support we give them through a broad spectrum of services as well as our very specific sectorial know-how.”


    Media Material (Iris Heilmann)

    Caption: Iris Heilmann is one of three managing directors at the Cologne branch of Palmer Hargreaves.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves supports B2B campaign for Brenntag

    Cologne, 15.2.17: Brenntag, the global market leader in the distribution of chemicals, has launched a B2B campaign entitled “ConnectingChemistry”. Palmer Hargreaves has been responsible for the concept behind and the implementation of the campaign, and is supporting the launch with an internal campaign. 

    Early February saw the launch of the Brenntag Group’s B2B campaign “ConnectingChemistry”.  It is the first concrete outcome of the collaboration with Palmer Hargreaves. In summer 2016, the global market leader in the distribution of chemicals with over 14,000 employees in 74 countries, decided on the Cologne-based agency to develop a campaign idea based on the brand claim “ConnectingChemistry” in use since 2015.  

    “ConnectingChemistry” gets to the heart of Brenntag’s core competence. Building on this, the core message of the campaign, “I’m ConnectingChemistry”, focuses on Brenntag employees and demonstrates just how much commitment they show each day as the critical interface between customers and suppliers.  

    The individual stories are told in videos, interviews and statements, on the corporate website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and in advertisements in selected trade journals. Employees from different business areas and work environments (purchasing, global sourcing, etc.) are portrayed in order to demonstrate Brenntag’s extensive range of services. Before the campaign’s external launch, Palmer Hargreaves had already supported an internal “ConnectingChemistry” campaign. 

    “With this campaign we are aiming to make the Brenntag brand a transparent and authentic experience,” say Hubertus Spethmann, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Brenntag. “So employees who personify our claim and live it out on a day-to-day basis are the most credible way of communicating our main message.”

    “With Brenntag we have added to our clientele a global market leader that is a perfect strategic fit for us. We can apply our broad competency and in-depth industrial know-how for this company,” says Iris Heilmann, one of the three Palmer Hargreaves managing directors in Cologne. Besides Brenntag, the agency works for Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Henkel and Schindler in four industry segments.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves develops internal campaign for Telekom

    Cologne, 6.7.16: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, has developed the communication campaign with which Deutsche Telekom is supporting the launch of its new interactive intranet “you and me”.

    “Simply do it!” – with this claim (in German) Palmer Hargreaves has created the basis for a 360° campaign to launch the interactive intranet “you and me”. The campaign aims to motivate the various target groups within the Telekom Group to test and become active users of the new platform. The campaign appeals to all employees through various online and offline channels. 

    For “you and me” Deutsche Telekom is merging its previously static intranet with its internal social network to create a social collaboration platform managed by Corporate Communications. In contrast to a static intranet, the new platform allows all employees to be networked and conduct dialogues at eye level – irrespective of hierarchies, departmental boundaries or national frontiers. The employees not only stay in virtual contact but can together work in groups and share information and experience. This creates a new form of inter-employee communication that is more direct, authentic and fast. 

    The idea of digital networking and stronger engagement is reflected in Palmer Hargreaves’ campaign concept. The agency visualised key application scenarios, such sharing knowledge or implementing projects, in the form of humorous and exaggeratedly ironic personal scenes and realised the concept on posters, info cards, flyers and presentations. Palmer Hargreaves also designed a mobile info booth as well as branded give-aways and info material to directly appeal to the employees in the various national and international branches. 

    To enable Telekom’s international subsidiaries to adapt the campaign, Palmer Hargreaves designed a country tool kit with corresponding guidelines and is also supporting the campaign with blog articles, interviews, mailshots and best practice studies as well as a supplement in the employee magazine “you and me”. 

    “The aim of ‘you and me’ is to create more effective collaboration across departmental and national boundaries and thus take a step forward to an agile company,” says Alexander Derno, the project lead in Corporate Communications. “For us this platform is the motor of digitisation in the Telekom Group. That affects every employee and lives, above all, from the support of every individual. Thanks to the campaign developed with Palmer Hargreaves, we are appealing in an individual way to each and every colleague and encouraging them to become part of this cultural change in a humorous way with likeable visuals.”

    Further details of the campaign can be found here: 

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves wins Schindler account

    Cologne, 30.6.16: Schindler Deutschland has been added to the client portfolio of the international communications agency Palmer Hargreaves (PH). After a very successful start to the current fiscal year, this new account has again boosted the agency’s billings’ forecast. 

    Schindler Deutschland has appointed PH as its lead agency in the field of new installations (NI). Their collaboration began with an integrated campaign to launch a new lift feature. PH won the account this spring in a pitch, to which Anja Habeck, Head Sales & Marketing Management NI, had this to say: “PH presented an integrated campaign approach that got to the heart of the new product feature in a very creative and smart way. This and their many years of B2B experience along with very promising team were the reasons why the Cologne-based agency won.” 

    The Swiss company, which was founded in 1874, moves more than a billion people with its lifts, escalators and moving walkways. In Germany Schindler is the market leader with 3,200 employees at 60 sites and a turnover of around €600 million (2015). 

    “The prospects for a very successful fiscal year have further improved with this lead account,” says Iris Heilmann, one of the three Palmer Hargreaves managing directors in Cologne. “The consistent growth of the past two years has confirmed our 360° strategy, which we laid the foundations for back in 2013 when we merged our PR and marketing agencies, and which we have been able to consistently follow with the expansion of our social media and digital marketing expertise. This fiscal year we expect an increase in our billings’ volume of well over 10%.” 

    Through the Schindler account PH has extended its client portfolio in the manufacturing sector. The agency currently has four industry teams for manufacturing industry, ICT, life science and automotive, each including client, PR and social media consultants who nimbly work with creative, content, strategy, digital and technology experts. 

    Last year PH won clients from the manufacturing industry and life science sectors: various communication projects for thyssenkrupp AG and some of its business areas; and two B2B product launch campaigns for Henkel.  

    Internationally, the PH Group continues to grow, with the automotive manufacturer Volvo soon to be supported in after-sales communications by PH’s Moscow and Shanghai offices.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves moves up

    Cologne, 19.4.16: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, has again moved up the W&V and PR Journal rankings. The agency has grown faster than the industry average, which is confirmation of a strategy geared to growth, integration and a broader portfolio. 

    Palmer Hargreaves is up five places in the current W&V billings table from 34th to 29th position. This table lists Germany’s top 50 owner-managed agencies in the communications industry according to their billings’ volume, which in Palmer Hargreaves’ case rose by 8.4% in a year-on-year comparison. In the same period the number of employees went up by 11%. The average increase in billings of all the listed agencies was 6.2%. 

    In the Pfeffers PR billings table Palmer Hargreaves went up one place and currently occupies 18th position with billings of €7.56 m and 88 employees in fiscal 2014-15. Ranked according to their keynote industries the Cologne agency had top spot in chemicals, third in automotive and ninth in telecommunications. 

    “We are very pleased that the successes of the past two years are now mirrored in the most important agency rankings for us,” says Iris Heilmann, one of the three Palmer Hargreaves managing directors in Cologne. “This positive development confirms that our integrated approach of offering corporate communications, marketing communications and technology under one roof is just what the market needs. In our networked world topics are simply growing together – something we notice in our clients’ assignments.” 

    For the coming year the agency is expecting to move up further in the rankings. 102 people are now employed at the Cologne site. Growth will come, on the one hand, from an expansion of the work currently undertaken for clients such as Deutsche Telekom, Ford and Bayer CropScience, and on the other hand, from new business. 

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves strengthens its editorial competence

    Cologne, 7.4.16: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, has again added to its editorial team at its Cologne branch by hiring Sebastian Mainzer, a recognised automotive and IT expert.

    As a PR editor, Sebastian Mainzer will be turning complicated technical input into attractive and easily understandable content for clients like Deutsche Telekom or Ford – and thus strengthening one of the agency’s core competencies. The focal points of his work at Palmer Hargreaves will be telecommunications and automotive.

    A graduate technical journalist, Sebastian first proved his expertise at Oliver Schrott Kommunikation, where he was responsible for the content of international media events for their client Daimler AG. All PR content for speeches, presentations, films and exhibits went across his desk for projects such as driving demonstrations, product premieres or tech days. Before that, he worked for LEWIS Communications as a PR consultant for IT companies and as a radio and print journalist, e.g. for WDR.

    In the 20-strong editorial team Sebastian will play a decisive role in driving content and PR projects for the agency’s clients. “To do this we need editors who are not only good journalists but also have in-depth know-how of our client’s industries,” says Manfred Engeser, Palmer Hargreaves’ editor-in-chief.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves wins 2015 Agricultural Marketing Prize

    Cologne, 12.11.15: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, has won the 2015 German Agricultural Marketing Prize at Agritechnica in Hannover. The prize was awarded for the agency’s integrated communication campaign for Bayer CropScience Germany’s seed business. Every two years, the German Agricultural Marketing Award honours particularly creative and convincing advertising campaigns from the agricultural industry. Palmer Hargreaves received the award in the plant production category for its see(d)-worthy campaign, with which Bayer CropScience Germany launched its BayerSeeds brand in 2014. 

    The jury praised the stringent, cross-media approach of the 360° campaign and the high recall effect of the claim in all channels. Besides coming up with the brand name and claim, the agency also developed a high-quality text-and-imagery approach through a typographical enactment of seeds via a specially designed and photographed alphabet. In executing the campaign, Palmer Hargreaves made use of the whole range of marketing instruments and produced not just an image trailer but also various brochures, online banners, advertisements, info sheets, newsletters, direct mailshots and content for the Bayer CropScience Germany website. 

    The prize was presented at the biennial Agritechnica in Hannover, the world’s largest trade fair for agricultural machinery with nearly 3,000 exhibitors from over 50 countries. The publishing company Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster awarded these prizes for the 11th time in 2015, thus honouring the best campaigns in the four categories of agricultural machinery, plant production, animal husbandry and services. 

    For more details of the seeds campaign click here:

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

  • Palmer Hargreaves hires new editor-in-chief

    Cologne, 6.10.15: Palmer Hargreaves, the international agency for marketing and communications, is focusing on content marketing and has hired an experienced journalist to enhance its editorial competency: Manfred Engeser has joined the Cologne agency’s team of nearly 90 as the new editor-in-chief. 

    Manfred Engeser, who comes from WirtschaftsWoche where he was a departmental head and author, takes on the newly created function of editor-in-chief where he will be responsible for building up and extending the internal editorial team and play a key role in the agency’s content marketing strategy as a member of the Palmer Hargreaves management team.

    “Companies are increasingly often relying on a mix out of conventional marketing and PR. Our clients expect pronounced editorial competency for their content marketing projects to achieve their communication goals,” says Iris Hellmann, one of the Palmer Hargreaves managing directors in Cologne. “With Manfred Engeser we have brought an extremely experienced journalist on board who combines business know-how and in-depth knowledge of the media landscape with high text quality standards and a deep understanding of modern-day communication in all relevant channels.” 

    After graduating in political science, 47-year-old Manfred Engeser attended the German School of Journalism in Munich, worked for Süddeutsche Zeitung, was the RTL correspondent in the Bonn studio (when Bonn was West Germany’s capital) and worked for the business section of Hamburger Abendblatt. After a two-month spell as a visiting editor for the Mexican newspaper La Reforma, in spring 2000 he moved to WirtschaftsWoche in Düsseldorf where he most recently worked as an author and headed the Management & Success department.

    With its latest recruit Palmer Hargreaves continues the consistent expansion of its integrated portfolio of marketing communication, corporate publishing and digital communication. The agency is meeting the future market challenges today – challenges that are increasingly necessitating the dovetailing of creative potential, content competency and technological know-how.

    Palmer Hargreaves – complex solved.
    Palmer Hargreaves is an owner-managed agency group for marketing and communications. Some 180 employees work at four locations in Germany, England, Russia and China. We combine a broad spectrum of services – strategy, creative, content and digital – with in-depth industry expertise. Whether it’s marketing communications, PR or marketing technology, well-known brands such as ABB, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Henkel, Jaguar, Land Rover and Schindler have trusted us for years. Because we are the agency for the knowledge-based economy.

Media Material

  • Corporate Profile

    Palmer Hargreaves – we simply love complex

    Palmer Hargreaves is the agency for handling complex topics and transformations. Owner-managed and internationally present, Palmer Hargreaves bundles strategy, creative, content and digital expertise in one place in combination with in-depth industry know-how. The result is communication that creates value and worth. Palmer Hargreaves employs over 200 people in Germany, England, and China – around 180 of them at the company headquarters in Cologne. Palmer Hargreaves' customers include many well-known brands, including Audi, Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, Ford, Henkel, Miele, Porsche, and SAP.


General information according to article 13 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz)

Palmer Hargreaves GmbH
Vogelsanger Straße 66
50823 Cologne

Managing directors of Palmer Hargreaves GmbH
Jörn Langensiepen
Susanne Hoffmann
Dr. Iris Heilmann

+49 221 933 22 - 0
f +49 221 933 22 - 11

Registered office
VAT number: DE 1826 45 758
HRB 27916 | local court Cologne

Responsible for content according to article 18 (2) of the German Interstate Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag)
Dr. Iris Heilmann
Vogelsanger Straße 66
50823 Cologne

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Palmer Hargreaves GmbH
Vogelsanger Strasse 66
50823 Cologne

+49 221 933 22 - 0 

Managing directors: Jörn Langensiepen | Susanne Hoffmann | Dr. Iris Heilmann

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Our website collects and stores information by using what are called browser cookies. 

What are cookies?

They are small text files that are stored on your data carrier and that store specific settings and data about your browser for exchange with our system. In general, a cookie contains the name of the domain that sent the cookie data as well as information on the age of the cookie and an alphanumeric identifier. 

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies facilitate our systems to recognize the user's device and to make any potential presettings available immediately. As soon as a user accesses the platform, a cookie will be transmitted to the hard disk of the user’s computer. Cookies help us to improve our website and to offer you an even better and customised service. This enables us to recognize your computer or your (mobile) device when you return to our website and therefore, we can 

  • store information about your preferred activities on the website and customise our website for you to suit your particular interests and
  • accelerate the speed of handling your enquiries.

We cooperate with third party services, which support us in making the Internet offer and the website more interesting for you. Therefore, cookies of these partner companies (third-party providers) are also stored on your hard disk when you visit our website. These cookies are deleted automatically after the predetermined time.  

You will find a list of the cookies set by us here.  

May I decide about the use of cookies?

You can adjust the cookie settings you have set here.

In general, if you do not wish cookies to be used, then you can set your browser to not accept any storage of cookies. Please keep in mind that in this case the use of our website might be restricted or not possible at all, as the case may be. If you wish to accept only our own cookies, but not the cookies of our service providers and partners, then you may select the “block third-party cookies” setting in your browser. We assume no responsibility for the use of third-party cookies.

8. Integration of third-party services and contents

Our website uses contents and services of other suppliers. For example, these are videos provided by YouTube. In order to retrieve and to present these data in the user’s browser, it is absolutely vital to transmit the IP address. The provider (hereinafter “third-party”) is therefore aware of the user’s IP address. 

Even if we try to use only third-party providers who need the IP address only in order to provide content, we do not have any influence on whether the IP address is stored, as the case may be. In this case, this process serves, among others, statistical purposes. As soon as we become aware that the IP address is stored, we will point it out to you.  

Use of the Google Tag Manager

Our website uses the Google Tag Manager. Through this service, website tags may be managed via an interface. The Google Tool Manager merely implements tags. This means: No cookies are used and no personal data are collected. The Google Tool Manager triggers other tags, which, in turn collect data, as the case may be. However, the Google Tag Manager does not access these data. If, at domain or cookie level, a deactivation was made, then they remain for all tracking tags, provided those tracking tags have been implemented with the Google Tag Manager. The deactivation at domain or cookie level remains for all tracking tags that have been implemented with the Google Tag Manager. You will find Google’s data protection statement at: 

The company Google is certified for the EU-US data protection framework “Privacy Shield“. This data protection framework shall guarantee compliance with the data protection level that is applicable in the EU. 

Use of YouTube

For integrating and presenting video content, our website uses plugins of the YouTube site, which is operated by Google. The video portal is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, U.S.A. 

When accessing a page with an integrated YouTube plugin, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. YouTube thus learns which of our pages you have visited. YouTube may attribute your surfing habits directly to your personal profile, if you are logged in to your YouTube account. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account beforehand. Using YouTube is in the interest of an attractive presentation of our online offers. This is a legitimate interest in terms of article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. You will find details on handling user data in the data protection statement of YouTube at: 

Use of Google Analytics

Our website uses features of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The supplier of this web analysis service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A. 

Google Analytics uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that your web browser stores on your end device and that facilitate an analysis of the use of the website. Information about your use of our website generated by means of cookies are transmitted to a Google server and stored there. The server is generally located in the U.S.A.  

Setting of Google Analytics cookies is based on article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. As the owner of this website, we have a legitimate interest in analysing the user behaviour in order to optimise our website, and advertising as well, as the case may be. 

We use Google Analytics in connection with the IP anonymization feature. It ensures that Google shortens your IP address within the member states of the European Union or in the other contracting states of the agreement on the European Economic Area before transmitting it to the U.S.A. There may be exceptions, where Google transfers the full IP address to a server in the U.S.A. and shortens it there. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to analyse your use of the website, to create reports about website activities and to render other services for us associated with the website use and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by Google Analytics will not be combined with other data of Google. 

You may prevent your web browser to set cookies. Some functionalities of our website might then be limited. You may also prevent the collection of data about your use of the website including your IP address and the subsequent processing by Google. This is possible if you download and install the browser plugin available at the following link: 

You will find details on handling user data at Google Analytics in the data protection statement of Google at: 

Our website uses the “Demographics and Interests” function of Google Analytics. It may be used to create reports that contain information about age, gender and interests of the website visitors. These data have been obtained from interest-related advertising of Google and visitor data of third-parties. It is not possible to attribute the data to a specific person. You may deactivate this function at any time. You can do this by using the display settings in your Google account or by prohibiting the collection of your data through Google Analytics in general as described in the item “Objection against data collection”. 

Alternatively, you may prevent the collection through Google Analytics by setting a so-called “opt-out cookie“ by clicking here. If you delete the cookies in your browser, you must click this link again afterwards. 

You will find Google’s data protection statement at: 

Use of DoubleClick

Our website uses the online marketing tool DoubleClick by Google. The provider is Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A. 

DoubleClick uses cookies in order to place ads relevant to the users, to optimise reports on performance or to avoid that users view identical ads several times. Cookies are small text files that your web browser stores on your device. Google records via a cookie ID which ads are placed in which browser and can thus prevent them from being shown several times. Optimum marketing of our website is a legitimate interest in terms of article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. 

Cookie IDs provide additional assistance to DoubleClick to measure so-called conversions related to ad views. This is the case, for example, if you see a DoubleClick ad and make a purchase using the same web browser on the website of the advertiser later. According to Google, DoubleClick cookies do not store any personal data. 

Due to the used marketing tools, your browser automatically establishes a direct link to the Google server. We do not have any influence on the extent and use of data collected by this tool through Google. As far as we know at the moment, Google learns via DoubleClick, which areas of our website you have visited or which of our ads you have clicked. If you are logged in to your Google account, Google may attribute the visit to our website to your account. Even if you are not logged in, it cannot be excluded that the provider determines and stores your IP address. You may control, restrict and prevent that cookies are set with an up-to-date web browser. Then you have the option to object to the tracking process. Deactivating of cookies may lead to a limited functionality of our website. 

The company Google is certified for the EU-US data protection framework “Privacy Shield“. This data privacy framework shall guarantee compliance with the data protection level that is applicable in the EU.  

You will find details about the data protection statement of DoubleClick by Google at:

Use of Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking

Our website uses Google AdWords. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A. 

AdWords is an online advertising program. When using the online advertising program, we use conversion tracking. After clicking on an ad placed by Google, a cookie is set for conversion tracking. Cookies are small text files that your web browser stores on your device. Google AdWords cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used to identify users. When having a look at the cookie Google and we can see that you have clicked on an ad and have been forwarded to our website. The storage of “conversion cookies“ is based on article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. As the website owner, we have a legitimate interest in analysing the user behaviour in order to optimise our website, and our advertising. 

Every Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. The cookies cannot be traced via websites of AdWords customers. Conversion cookies are used to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers using conversion tracking. AdWords customers are informed how many users have clicked on their ad and have been forwarded to pages featuring a conversion tracking tag. However, AdWords customers do not receive any personal data to identify users. If you do not wish to participate in the tracking, then you can object to the use of it. The conversion cookie in the browser’s user settings must be deactivated. Then your activities will not be entered into the conversion tracking statistics. 

You will find details on Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking in Google's data protection statement of Google: 

You may control, restrict or prevent that cookies are set with an up-to-date web browser at Deactivating of cookies may lead to a limited functionality of our website. 

Social Media

Integration of Third-Party Services and Contents

Our website uses contents and services of other suppliers. In order to retrieve and to present these data in the user’s browser, it is absolutely vital to transmit the IP address. The providers (hereinafter “third-party”) are therefore aware of the user’s IP address.

Even if we try to use only providers who need the IP address only in order to provide content, we do not have any influence on whether the IP is stored, as the case may be. In this case, this process serves, among others, statistical purposes. As soon as we become aware that the IP address is stored, we will point it out to you.

You will find us on the following platforms and social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • XING
  • Google/ YouTube
  • Twitter.

When using social networks, data are processed outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). A data protection level equivalent to that of the EU cannot be safeguarded in all the countries outside the EU. In this context, there may be risks involved for you as the user, if the transmitted data are processed in what is called third countries with an inadequate level of data protection.

This makes enforcement of known rights of users difficult. Moreover, it may happen that the provider in the third country processes your data but not in your interest. Where providers from the US are certified under what is called the Privacy Shield Framework – a data protection treaty between the US and the EU – such providers are obliged to adhere to the EU data protection standards.

The purposes of processing pursued by the social networks usually deviate from the purposes we pursue. Thus, the data you record in social networks are, in most cases, processed for purposes of market research, advertising, and creation of user profiles for personalised advertising (such as Facebook, Google, Instagram etc.).

To realise this, cookies, which record the user behaviour and facilitate user profiling, are used. You will find a list of the purposes of the processing of users’ data in the data protection statements of the respective providers. You can restrict profiling, at least to some extent, by adjusting the settings in your user account. Please read the relevant data protection statements of the respective provider to find out how to proceed.

Basically, this refers to the following data:

  • Registration data, such as user name, password, email address
  • Profile information, such as given name and surname, telephone number, picture 
  • Log file information, such as web request, IP address, browser type, landing pages, visited pages 
  • Device ID 
  • Meta data, such as hashtags, geotags, comments 

Processing of your personal data for the stated purposes is based on our legitimate management and communications interest to offer an information and communications channel pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. Where you have given your consent to the data processing to the relevant provider of the social network, the legal basis of the processing is based on  Art. 6 (1) (a) and Art. 7 of the GDPR.

Due to the fact, that the real data processing is carried out by the provider of the social network, our possibilities to access your data are restricted. Solely the provider of the social network is legitimised to access your data in full. That is why only the provider is able to directly take and implement relevant measures to perform your user rights (request for information, request for erasure, objection, etc.). Therefore, the most effective way to assert relevant rights is to assert them directly against the relevant provider.  

Furthermore, on mobile end devices, you may restrict the services’ access to contact and calendar data, photos, location data etc. by adjusting the settings on your device. However, this depends on the operation system used.  

We, Palmer Hargreaves, do not collect and process any data from your use of the service. However, in the event we share or respond to your posts or create posts that refer to your profile ourselves, then the data you have entered in the social network, including, but not limited to, your (user) name and the content made public on your account, will be processed to the extent that they will be integrated in our offer and made publicly accessible to our followers.  

If you need assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact us.

Data Subjects' rights

Below, you will find a more detailed list of the relevant data processing carried out by the providers and their options for objections (what is called opt out) by using the relevant links to the providers' websites:


Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland – data protection statement:

Opt-Out: and

Privacy Shield: 


Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA

Data protection statement:

Opt out:[0]=368390626577968&bc[1]=1757120787856285  


LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Data protection statement:

Opt out: 


XING AG, Dammtorstrasse 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Data protection statement /Opt out: 

Google/ YouTube

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Data protection statement:

Opt out:

Privacy Shield:;


Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Data protection statement:

Opt out:

Privacy Shield:


9. Data security

Unfortunately, transferring information via the Internet is never 100 % secure, and that is why we cannot guarantee the security of the data transmitted via the Internet to our website. 

However, we protect our website from loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of your data by unauthorized persons through technical and organisational measures. 

In particular, your personal data are transferred in encrypted form. We use the coding system SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) for this purpose. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological development. 


10. Rights of the data subjects

If you are a data subject as defined in article 4 (1) of the GDPR, then you have the following rights regarding processing of your personal data according to the GDPR. 

Right to confirmation and access

Under the conditions of article 15 of the GDPR, you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and to obtain access from the controller to the personal data stored about you and to obtain a copy of such information free of charge. 

Right to correction

Under the conditions of article 16 of the GDPR, you have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you without undue delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement. 

Right to deletion

Under the conditions of article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to demand from us the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay, provided that one of the reasons stated in article 17 of the GDPR applies and the processing is not required.   

Right to restriction of processing

Under the conditions of article 18 of the GDPR, you have the right to demand restriction of processing where one of the conditions stated in article 18 of the GPDR applies. 

Right to data portability

Under the conditions of article 20 of the GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from us provided that the other conditions of article 20 of the GDPR are fulfilled. 

Right to withdraw any given consent

You have the right to revoke consent for processing personal data given to us with effect for the future at any time. Please send the revocation to the following email address: 

Right to object

Under the conditions of article 21 of the GDPR, you have the right to object at any time the processing of personal data concerning you. If the conditions for an effective objection are met, then we may no longer process your personal data. 

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

Regardless of any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the member state of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR.


11. Forwarding your personal data

Your personal data will be forwarded as described below:  

The website is hosted by a third-party service provider in the EU. We make sure that the data are only processed in Germany. This is necessary to operate the website as well as for constituting, executing and carrying out the existing licence agreement and possible even without your consent. 

Your personal data will also be forwarded if we have the right or are obliged to forward data due to legal provisions and/or official or court order. In particular, this may refer to the provision of information for law enforcement, prevention of threats or enforcement of intellectual property rights. 

Where your data are forwarded to service providers to the extent required, such service providers will only have access to your personal data to the extent that this is necessary to perform their tasks. These service providers are obliged to treat your personal data according to the applicable data protection laws, including, but not limited to the GDPR. 

Other than described above, we, as a rule, do not transmit your data to third-parties without your consent. In particular, we do not forward personal data to a body in a third country or to an international organisation.


12. Storage period for personal data

As regards the storage period, we delete personal data as soon as their storage is no longer required to fulfil the initial purpose and there are no statutory retention periods. The statutory retention periods are basically the criterion for the final period of storage of personal data. After expiry of this period, the relevant data will be routinely deleted. If there are retention periods, the processing will be restricted by blocking the data.


13. References and Links

When you visit Internet sites that are referred to from our website, you may again be asked for details, such as name, address, email address, browser features etc. This data protection statement does not lay down the processing, forwarding or handling of personal data by third-parties. 

Third-party service providers may have diverging and their own rules on handling the collection, processing, and use of personal data. Therefore, we would like to recommend to reading up on how third-parties deal with personal data on their websites before entering personal data.


14. Modification of the data protection statement

We continuously further develop our website to offer you a service that is becoming better and better. We will continuously keep this data protection statement up-to-date and revise it accordingly whenever and where this becomes necessary.  

Of course we will inform you of any changes of this data protection statement in good time. We will do so by sending you an email to the email address you have provided to us. Where it is necessary that you give us further consent for handling your data other than this, we will of course obtain such consent from you before any changes in this regard become effective. 

15. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

We have appointed a data protection officer: 

Nextwork GmbH
Marco Peters
Sophienstraße 20
80333 Munich

Issued: April 2023